Many organisation’s workplaces are broken and don’t function effectively anymore. After the COVID pandemic lockdowns over recent years, many workplaces have been re-occupied but in many cases the space no longer supports the way people want to work – how can that be fixed? And if you are moving what should your next workplace be?

The media has been full of stories about how occupancy patterns have changed and now Hybrid work is the answer for everyone. There are a lot of new “workplace strategists” jumping on the Hybrid bandwagon. Many are giving advice based on what they see in the media – not their own experience and knowledge.

In the past we have seen other trends become the new way of working from the Earliest Cubicles and Cellular Offices to Open Plan, Hot Desking and Activity Based Work (ABW) – and now the buzz phrase is Hybrid Working which organisations are responding to.

Well you can’t! But it can be a way of avoiding risk by staying in the middle of the herd. But will your people want to come to an average workplace – or do they want and deserve something more with a unique solution that better supports them.

We think Chat GPT is fantastic tool to summarize what the herd are saying for you. But is that going to be the best solution? How much of the data is not relevant or out of date? Will Chat GPT give you a unique response to what the real issues are for your business and your people? How can it know what they think?

In a couple of words – experience and insights. Led by one of Australia’s most experienced workplace strategists, Stephen Minnett, Next Workplace critically review what is happening in the media and the world of workplace. But we don’t do it as newcomers – we look it at through the lens of strategists and designers who have delivered over a million square metres of Australia’s most innovative workplaces over the past 20 years.